Saturday, February 26, 2011

From Twitter 02-25-2011

  • 10:50:37: Bad idea to stare at bright blue sunshine bouncing off pure white snow the morning after a furious migraine.
  • 10:54:07: Fun/dorky pictures I took of myself in the snow yesterday:
  • 13:43:59: We have shows scheduled today! Mine's at 4 pacific (7 eastern) but might be lame due to residual headache & my period starting.
  • 14:46:05: If you can't wait until @DeliaTS network/group show for members, you can get your own BETTER show with her now!
  • 14:47:02: Well, she's going to the bathroom now, but she will be back on momentarily. And she looks super hot!
  • 18:58:18: Perfect. All of my improvisational comedic webwhoring lost because the audio didn't record during my capture of today's show. Fuck it all.
  • 19:20:03: If I had some good painkillers right now I'd crush them up & snort them. I learned that on Intervention! J/K though, I'd just swallow them.
  • 19:21:59: A pornstar does not a camgirl make, @streamate . Not necessarily, anyway. And as a non-porn-star this is a relief to me.
  • 19:34:31: @streamate I know & I like that you're local. I don't put our real town bc it's small & don't want people from here to google it & find us.
  • 20:02:31: @streamate That would be rad! You folks are the best camsite I've ever worked on. Much appreciated.
  • 22:46:51: Enjoyed watching some of this with dinner. (watching Nature: Wolverine: Chasing the Phantom via @gomiso)

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