Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From Twitter 08-25-2009

  • 10:34:31: Thanks again everyone for the well-wishes & congrats on @DeliaTS coming out to her parents! Hugs to you all!
  • 12:07:23: Just went out & got a Vitamin B injection -- that shit is SO good. Why do I not make sure I do it regularly? I'm a dumb ass, that's why.
  • 12:18:37: @jaxsully B's do lots of things, for mostly-healthy folks helps with fatigue, weight loss, etc. For me it also gets rid of chronic headaches
  • 12:19:44: @SexySierra I started getting them to prevent migraines, but there are a host of reasons to get them. I get B12 + B complex.
  • 13:23:38: If you just found yourself BLOCKED by me & wonder why, IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE AN INSULTING FUCKING MORON.
  • 13:24:11: With that, I am going to further cleanse my timeline by taking a big giant POOP.
  • 13:27:50: Awwww @DeliaTS - I wish I could've afforded to buy you a set of C-cup titties, too! Someday, honey, someday!
  • 14:19:12: You'll probably hate hearing this, but looking at surgery sites I really want to get some of my fat stuffed into my labia for chubbier puss.
  • 14:20:02: Serving up another wet burrito for myself & planning to take a nap. Not just express desire for one, but actually HAVE one.
  • 20:22:16: - Sparkly luxe plastic toilet seat in pink church bathroom.
  • 20:35:10: - Me, looking somber in the old lady cocktail hour church bathroom
  • 21:58:34: Excited: about to see Inglorious Basterds. Hope all the dillholes are here for time traveler's wife & gi joe & stuff.

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