- 14:11:01: RT @Toni_KatVixen: NEWS: @FCC breaks Obama promise, allows corporate censorship - no Net Neutrality rules. 3 things to know: http://bit. ...
- 16:08:33: @DeliaTS http://twitpic.com/3i73iz - Fucking HOT - I can't wait to see how the rest of them turned out!
- 16:09:35: Judging from this shot of @DeliaTS I'd say last night shoot was a success: http://twitpic.com/3i73iz AND we got to see the eclipse!
- 19:36:01: Been working diligently on massively overdue promos & wondering if I should take a nap before trying to shoot tonight.
- 21:16:31: We got to-go from this place tonight: http://stuffsexworkerseat.tumblr.com/post/2394362422/delia-slurps-tart-fresh-squeezed-lemonade-with
- 21:21:23: I am so super sleepy there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to finish these promos AND shoot. After my B-shot tomorrow!
- 21:22:04: (the other problem, of course, is that I'm obsessively fucking weird about font-play so the promos take me forever to build)
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