Sunday, December 5, 2010

From Twitter 12-04-2010

  • 10:20:57: Mugh. My main computer is Dead. We're still doing our chat and shows today, though!
  • 11:10:51: I should've probly USED this drive that creates bootable backup!
  • 14:27:59: The deer are plump & juicy, but have no fears here.
  • 15:09:07: Trying to get into members only chat but my non-usual backup machine needs java & my laptop's running a diff update so i'll be there asap.
  • 16:05:35: Yay!!! My main machine finally started up normally!! Going to be running backups. Any suggestions for a good registry cleaner(s?)?
  • 20:02:15: Tidying up a tiny bit of my considerable accumulated messes while my machine is tied up with back-up stuff.
  • 22:19:43: It seems I failed to remember the reason I haven't been using that backup drive & software is it gives me perma blue screen of death! FFFFF!
  • 22:20:34: The cool part is I totes fixed it myself when it happened last year. The uncool part is I didn't properly record HOW.

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