Monday, May 31, 2010

From Twitter 05-30-2010

  • 00:55:20: Not the blog entry I *hoped* to write today, but I hope something is better than nothing:
  • 11:49:42: Probably nothing better (today, at least)for staying in the moment than bird-watching while eating breakfast on the loveseat in our parlor.
  • 16:35:51: Sigh. Returning to to track my food, exercise, etc. I do like that site mostly.
  • 17:58:34: Time for me to do some exercise. Will be bottomless on our spycams, jumping around and stuff.
  • 21:31:02: Heard this song "Buster Voodoo" yesterday on the radio and loved it:
  • 23:36:53: We have a new goal to get up right after dinner and do housework. Like normals do. To help me stop overeating, though.

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