Friday, January 15, 2010

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

  • 07:58 It is very very weird for me to wake up at 7:45 and be ready to get up. I suppose stranger things have happened. #
  • 08:59 Was about to call IRS but holding off til post-poop. Hate being on hold then having to hang up to go number two. #
  • 09:44 I just accomplished more follow-up on something I should never have to waste my time following up on. Gold star waste of time. #
  • 09:51 Cross your fingers or pray or whatever for us: calling the IRS to try to get a new payment plan with more than 1 year of back taxes on it. #
  • 10:27 The service people of the IRS who answer the phones again restore my faith in humanity. I l ove them so much. Crying tears of thanks/relief. #
  • 13:17 My HNT boobie flash, decline of porn, IRS, etc.: #
  • 13:34 OMG - forgot to spell check that post so "bureaucracy" was wrong (and even when I ran the spell check it didn't catch it! Fucking wordpress! #
  • 13:40 Who would you rather have sex with: Conan or Jay? (thanks @Jamye). #
  • 13:59 UGH - RT @audaciaray: Convicted of prostitution in New Orleans, carry a driver's license with the label "sex offender" #
  • 14:40 This caption is exactly what I think is worth celebrating, once acknowledged, about fashion: #
  • 15:32 Yes, I am twisting my kleenex into soft instruments I can stick UP my nose to collect rubbery wet boogers on. I need a nap, too. #
  • 20:23 Just chatted with @Coy_Pink after drooling over her beautiful photos: #
  • 23:05 Watching Californication. Wishing my head didn't still feel fat and my nose so raw. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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