Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

  • 09:15 Watching Deadliest Catch then sleeping in bed full of itchy tortilla chip crumbs turned into extensive nightmares about having crabs. #
  • 09:39 Annoying sounds on repeat in bedroom: bird: CHEEEEEP chee chee chee chee! Truck backing up: BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP! Bird: CHEEEEEP chee (etc.) #
  • 10:19 Overcast & gloomy today. Brrrr . . . it's cold in WebWhore Headquarters. I think I'll light some candles to make everything jolly and warm. #
  • 10:49 A dorky admission re: the moon & our conception attempts: #
  • 11:03 Going to capture & perhaps edit some video; one of my cams may be down (or up and down) during these processes. #
  • 12:14 Grrrrr . . . cable down AGAIN. They're sending a technician out. I'm fucking NOT hiding my dildos for this. #
  • 12:42 Grrrr: Abe's of Main: SHIP my fucking camera, don't call me & try to upsell 2 days later under false pretenses. #
  • 13:11 Afraid to make lunch since I don't like being interrupted & cable technician hasn't showed yet. Need to eat, though. #
  • 13:46 Great. Fucker is here RIGHT when I serve up my lunch. Had to log out cams (duh). #
  • 14:39 I wish I were in a warm, dark, sound-proof room getting a 24-hour massage & being spoon-fed soup. Feeling overwhelmed & interrupted. #
  • 15:17 Going for a brisk walk to gulp fresh air. My plan is to vent physically and come back home less of an asshole. #
  • 16:38 Blessedly schooled by a teenage boy out of my asshole state of self-induced jackassedness. Will try to blog about it later. NOT sexual, fyi. #
  • 17:36 Wishlisting shoes: I am in dire need of new shoes for walking/pseudo-running. #
  • 18:14 About to do a Delia shoot. #
  • 19:00 Nico was so good during our shoot; not one howling interruption! Now it's dinnertime. I might need a nap afterwards. #
  • 19:01 By the way, I am painfully, irritatingly horny. #
  • 19:09 Huh. I don't usually twirl my clit with my LEFT hand, but I guess having the remote in my RIGHT changes things a bit. #
  • 19:22 Okay, NOW I'm ready for dinner; just needed to come to some old reliable toons (3 guys in button up shirts on the couch, DOING things). #
  • 23:14 Got grossed out listening to the sound our knees make when we straighten our legs; we're getting old. Errrrrr. Older. #
  • 01:11 Did some before-bed full-moon stretching then discovered our SOY cams were disconnected AGAIN. Logged them back in. Now to bed. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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