Saturday, March 19, 2011

From Twitter 03-18-2011

  • 10:12:02: Okey dokey friends and fans: the new picture set is up for my members. I'm wearing green satin, nylon stockings & flowers in my hair.
  • 10:12:44: Speaking of flowers in my hair, I should do a shoot that's just a whole crazy-ass head-full of fake flowers in my hair for spring I think.
  • 10:13:20: (this would be an excuse to buy more fake flowers, which I'm quite fond of in all of their colorful sparkly splendor)
  • 12:20:23: Some people do not fucking get it. And of those people, some of them are very attached to staying that way so it does no good to argue.
  • 12:23:49: Anyway, the good news is I'm going to the cabin for fresh rainy air to do some weeding to try to make it more photogenic.
  • 17:11:00: My middle left finger smells heavily of the inside of my cunt. Have been masturbating furiously past couple of days at the cabin.
  • 20:09:12: Came back to the cabin to listen to rain & NOT listen to the bottomless ashore of the internet. Check @deliats on cam!
  • 20:11:59: Oops ... still not used to auto complete. That should've read "bottomless asshole" not bottomless ashore".
  • 22:07:33: Acquisition of smartphone (is smart phone 1 word or 2?) means I can pimp from the cabin, checking whether @DeliaTS is in a camshow or not.
  • 22:08:35: Note: that is a pathetic joke, one that is totally on me.

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