Thursday, February 25, 2010

From Twitter 02-24-2010

  • 00:11:44: Usually our dog ignores us when we fuck, but this time she came right over to the bed and stared right into our eyes. It was creepy.
  • 09:52:07: I feel like I should have something awesome to say after being awake for 40 minutes but alas . . . there's just empty space in my mouth.
  • 10:26:01: Reading about another lawsuit against Rapidshare. I wish those fuckers would be hung from the highest tree.
  • 11:14:45: No way in hell I can talk re: rapidshare withOUT using profanity @minasmusings @wonderingsub - it's a haven for thieves & content rapists.
  • 11:35:33: I got a cold scary chill reading about the girl who was escorted by police out of her middle school class for refusing to pledge allegiance.
  • 11:45:45: Feeling really frustrated by how much time I spend checking our spycams, reconnecting them, resetting frozen machines, etc.
  • 11:46:50: @SinnamonLove In Maryland. The article I saw was in the Washington Post.
  • 11:49:27: Here is the Washington Post article about little girl in trouble for not saying the pledge: @DreamnetRob @SinnamonLove
  • 11:58:41: NOTE:I actually love saying the pledge of allegiance & nat'l anthem & think there should be time made for it in schools, but not FORCED.
  • 12:13:32: We're going to exercise on our voyeur cams . . . . now that they're ALL reconnected. Hope they stay up & not buggy!
  • 19:06:38: In spite of being woken up multiple times, I did take a nap. I would like to take MORE nap, but I think not.
  • 20:25:22: @DiamondJames - Mmmm!! We can't get pho in our town, but tomorrow we have a hot out-of-town date with pho & greasy
  • 23:01:19: I have to take WebWhoreHQ cam down for a little bit while I capture &edit video.

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