Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

  • 11:21 I'm awake! And I've got a show in about 90 minutes. Members go here & click on Rude to watch/chat: #
  • 14:10 I came so hard & loud during my camshow just now that one of my music boxes started playing all by itself. TRIPPY! #
  • 15:06 I'm shocked the end of the decade is here. About to cry listening to kd lang singing "Wash Me Clean". Hungry for books: #
  • 15:49 My idea of a hot, howling amalgam of Jacob & Edward: kd lang (irresistible in the Barefoot video): #
  • 15:55 If I could have one holy, divine experience it'd be a private kd lang concert with me weeping & stripper-priestesses touching me all over. #
  • 15:59 Like, seriously -- can you watch/hear her without feeling wilded by divinity & emotionally overcome? #
  • 16:04 @minniecam In a couple of months, maybe . . . have some things to work out first. #
  • 18:02 Mmmmm . . . had veal stew in bed and started watching Julie and Julia. It's WINTER! #
  • 00:03 @adorabl eaudrey Awww -- can you give them some big hugs from me? Then have them return the favor to you? Mwah! #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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