Monday, November 16, 2009

From Twitter 11-15-2009

  • 00:35:44: Gosh, I've neglected to tweet my bodily functions lately! Catchup: 1) I didn't poop today & 2) my period started. Wait, DID I poop & forget?
  • 14:46:40: Just posted a blog entry about my fabulous swinging friend, Sabrina aka Prettyface:
  • 16:19:47: Enjoying this cold, windy Sunday keeping warm in bed with a hot water bottle on my feet, mild period cramps, and The Thirteenth Tale.
  • 18:09:47: I felt like wearing a sweater while I took a hot bath, it's that fucking cold.
  • 23:53:01: Sweet! This has been an almost complete day off for me today. Got to nestle in and finish a book. I'd like to top it off w/ ice cream BUT...

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