Wednesday, October 14, 2009

From Twitter 10-13-2009

  • 14:52:57: - Now that my hair is soft & wavy, I'm back at the taxes.
  • 14:54:30: Huh. Why are all of my twitpics saying they have only been viewed once each? Bizarre.
  • 19:14:39: Had a lovely dinner laughing over Gossip Girl then took a beautiful walk in the woods as it fell dark.
  • 19:16:34: My poor wanker has constructed a very detail-oriented dodecahedron-reliant financial fuckery game, but alas: I'm too busy with taxes to play
  • 23:16:00: I think I really deserve a brownie or something after I finish these taxes. Okay, YES, I did waste some time playing a game, but still.

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