Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

  • 11:00 Ahhhh ... back home in our temple of poon. Now to prioritize work & stuff. I know we need to drop off rent, buy hard drives, edit pics, blog #
  • 11:49 Our hosting costs exactly 1/2 as much as rent. Virtual housing & meatworld housing both due on 1st of month make 4 interesting comparisons. #
  • 13:24 Rock on! Three new hard drives on the way. They can't arrive too soon, either. #
  • 15:12 Super hungry & in need of a computer break/nap. Going to run some errands & come back with grub to keep us company with tv. #
  • 18:38 Yay!! Dr. Aspie bought me a new laptop! Can't wait to get it -- thanks DA! #
  • 20:39 Rehash of the last couple of days/our photo shoot/earthquake: #
  • 22:15 Who knew Frank Langella & the guy who played Benjamin Horn appeared on Deep Space Nine together? Having a great Friday night here. #
  • 23:16 Been editing pics and now we're going to do some much-needed stretching. Not sure which is harder: shooting pics or "modeling". #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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