- 10:55:27: This is the 5th day in a row I've had a headache. Not severe, but I'm pretty tired of it. Need to do a better job keeping up on B shots.
- 12:20:34: I am *amazed* that huge & satisfying poop went down the toilet! Anyway, going to log in our anywhere cam & do some stretching in the sun.
- 13:15:03: During my wonderful stretch I realized something that I fucked up. Which answers a few questions. And I hope will be remedied shortly.
- 14:06:49: Feeling glum because of making stupid, expensive, STUPID mistakes. Trying to do too many different things & failing.
- 14:08:12: Ritalin would really help, but I'm almost out & don't want to take stimulants on top of a headache.
- 14:10:02: Note: I'm not saying I want stimulants so I can do MORE, just so I can focus, switch gears, & concentrate on details.
- 14:12:34: I would NEVER make it on board the Starship Enterprise with my attitude. I need a pep talk & tribadism session with Troi to fix me up.
- 19:02:38: Just got back from seeing a great movie: "It Might Get Loud" - documentary featuring Jimmy Page, The Edge, & Jack White.
- 19:15:50: I know bacon won't help my 5-day headache go away (& might make it worse with the nitrates) but dammit I WANT SOME!
- 20:01:22: I did some dishes because @DeliaTS wasn't hungry yet and I needed to do something I could actually succeed at.
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