Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

  • 16:03 Ahhhh; a beautiful hush has fallen over our house -- family just left. Getting all our cams logged in again. #
  • 19:08 Meeting interrupted to reconnect stupid unstable cams, brew coffee and fetch laptop. #
  • 20:45 Reading some obnoxious hypocrisy from a well-known blogger right now. Sigh. Yes, I'm going to remain vague and mysterious. #
  • 23:14 I really SHOULD avoid forums where misogynist thieves post raving lunatic rants bitching about how models and whores are paid too much. #
  • 00:46 Been installing new fonts & playing with them and reading about all of the scammers ruining the internet porn industry. It's not awesome. #
  • 01:34 You would probably laugh at me if you knew what I'm doing to amuse myself right now. #
  • 11:19 This bright, beautiful sunshine might be the death of me! Migraine sufferers know what I'm talking about . . . #
  • 12:12 The weirdest thing just happened to me: #
  • 12:17 As good as poetry: _Animal Tracks of the Pacific Northwest_ #
  • 12:53 Headache not full blown (yet) so wanted to get some much-needed exercise & fresh air, but no sunglasses to be found in house. Foiled again. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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